
nebulous - 2003-02-24 15:01:18
You've piqued my curiosity, tantalizing me with something redolent and very unknown to me.
Rosalind - 2003-02-25 15:30:26
"But are you so much in love as your rimes speak?"
candora - 2003-02-25 20:12:12
so this is how comments work... though I am an unknown to you and I might very well be redolent, I am guessing your mean Harry Chapin?... see here for more:
candora - 2003-02-25 20:19:52
thank you for the comments... my first thought is... to which rhymes do you refer... and in general, I am in love with the idea of being in love, it is an all consuming passion... rhymes of love are wishes and dreams, fantasies and desires... in the physical world, I am alone... just me and my desire... does this answer your question?
neb - 2003-02-28 02:38:58
I have to admit that if I've heard anything Harry Chapin it has been through a type of unknown osmosis. And the question...primarily that of rhetoric and fascination with the play. I merely have fun playing with the masks penned so long ago.
candora - 2003-02-28 17:36:32
wonderful news for me, for I love and share your fascination with the play (in this moment, I mean the play of words and not the play as a scripted story, but the overlap is provides more fun)... we may understand each other (which would be an unexpected pleasure).
nebulous - 2003-03-02 12:55:17
I count myself lucky whenever I can navigate the labyrinth of these comments to see if it's my turn to reply and come out at the right end...[grin]
candora - 2003-03-07 20:42:07
of course I deliberately waited exactly 4.26 days to find this and respond in a gallant (and subtle, of course) effort to prove you right... luckily, I love labyrinths (as my web world might demonstrate more effectively than even these diary-journal-comment-note-guestbook-email-etc communications :)

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