
alsii - 2005-04-15 13:20:32
"slices of meaning / too thin to be seen / you take it on faith / if you know what I mean" I do know what you mean. We take it on faith that we will spend the rest of our life with someone, be that as a lover or simply a dear friend. And even when those things change, you still hope them to be true, and like thinking something into existence, many hope things into existence, and they do exist. That's right true.
candora - 2005-04-15 19:00:25
yes :) ... (on a techie note, comments are still screwed up so I can't tell which entry this was a comment for, which is frustrating... when Andrew asks for renewal money next month, I may just give up DLand comments... sad thought, even if I only get a few... the few voices matter infinitely more than the endless silence)... to feel, to believe someone understands is a great sigh of relief that renews hope and leads me to my most secure contentment and most peaceful smile :)

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